Accidentul lui Raikkonen, cauzat de probleme tehnice

De Daniel Popescu
Publicat Marti, 02.06.2009
Accidentul suferit de Kimi Raikkonen in Rally della Merca de la finalul saptamanii trecute a fost cauzat de probleme tehnice la masina Abarth Grande Punto.

Presa internationala a relatat luni pe larg incidentul in care a fost implicat fostul campion mondial Kimi Raikkonen in timpul unei probe speciale din timpul Rally della Merca, desfasurat in Italia in weekendul trecut.

Initial, accidentul a fost atribuit unei erori de pilotaj, insa Kaj Lindstrom, copilotul finlandezului, a dezvaluit ca masina Abarth Grande Punto a avut probleme tehnice la diferential inca de la inceputul raliului.

Raikkonen a reusit sa parcurga doua probe speciale, insa din cauza controlului deficitar al masinii a lovit un zid in cea de-a treia proba speciala. In urma impactului, partea spate a masinii a fost grav avariata, iar finlandezul a fost nevoit sa abandoneze. Chiar si in aceste conditii, Lindstrom spune ca Raikkonen si-a dovedit inca o data in acest weekend calitatile de pilot de raliuri.

"Am testat martea trecuta si Kimi se descurca foarte bine, pilotajul sau a fost foarte impresionant", a declarat Lindstrom, care in trecut a fost si copilotul multiplului campion WRC Tommi Makinen.

"Poti vedea cum piloteaza o masina de F1 cu 300 kmph. Stie cum sa abordeze virajele rapide si stie ca uneori pneurile aluneca putin, dar nu se supara din cauza asta. Este bun pe zapada si iarna, dar cu siguranta este foarte talentat pe asfalt".

Lindstrom a explicat ca problemele tehnice de la diferential au inceput inca de la startul raliului, continuand pe tot parcursul acestuia. "Am stiut ca ceva nu este in regula cand baietii au descoperit ca diferentialul era rupt. L-au schimbat pentru raliu, dar se pare ca s-a rupt din nou. Masina nu a functionat la parametri optimi inca de la prima proba speciala. Masina nu a fost deloc constanta si manevrarea era dificila, mai ales in momentele de franare. Am parcurs doua probe speciale, iar dupa 4 km in a treia masina a iesit de pe traseu in momentul franarii si a lovit un zid cu spatele. Am continuat inca 7 km, dar apoi a trebuit sa ne oprim".

In ciuda problemelor tehnice, Lindstrom spune ca Raikkonen nu a fost nemultumit si anticipeaza ca pilotul Scuderiei Ferrari va mai participa la o serie de raliuri de acest gen.

"Dupa impact a spus ca nu este suparat pentru ca masina nu a avut performantele scontate. Ar fi fost o poveste complet diferita daca masina ar fi fost ok. Privind inainte, exista un plan. As spune ca este foarte posibil ca Raikkonen sa mai participe la raliuri in acest an", a incheiat Lindstrom.

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Comentarii (1)

  • Kimi
    Kimical Passion
    The Ferrari driver brought himself into play in the specialty that he loves and he competed with other expert drivers. He finished almost immediately and he was also fined!

    TREVISO - Kimi Raikkonen wasn't untrue to himself. Detestable in some aspects, first of all in pretending to live in a sort of impenetrable crystal ball, invisible and unapproachable, disappointing all the fans waiting. Admirable in other aspects, from the uncommon ability to bring himself into play sportingly and unreservedly. Even the final result – it would be better to say the beginning, since he already left the scene at the third round of the Rally Marca – of the Iceman debut on tarmac special races was controversial. The epilogue was at the end of the “Castles" stage: the rear of the car docks in a sharp left turn and that's the most classic touch with the right rear tyre irreparably damaged. All with the likely complicity, his team say, of the Grande Punto Super2000 central differential, with gear version Sadev: already replaced the previous day but still not perfect since the beginning. However, Kimi Raikkonen had the courage to challenge and with appreciable results. Indeed, if it's true that his two chronometric results were at the end of Super2000 category, it is equally true that his timing was not too far from the best (20'' from Biasotto's scratch over the 17 km of Mount Cesen, the same from Marco Signor over the 12 km of Mount Tomba): at his third rally of his career and the first on asphalt, against strong competitors already accustomed to track and tires, and more with a not perfect car, that's enough to applaud him and invite him for another time, maybe again in Italy.
    For sure it was less convincing and acceptable the barrier that he claimed around him during the five days in Treviso: arrival by helicopter on Monday, lodging in Vittorio Veneto, two days testing with an Abarth technician and two recognition days, then a night at the Asolo Golf Club and the sketch of the race. But always keeping everything and everyone away, wrapped behind dark glasses, sunglasses, or helmet. Only Gabriele Favero - trustee of the Finnish pilots and "mind" of the event - and his friends of the Motoring Club Sernaglia could come near to him. But even for them, substantial detachment. And hopeless were the expectations of the press, authorities and organizers. So an absolute embargo, also for many fans who came. Ban that stopped a few minutes at the end of the day, in the Pederobba park service, when the mess was already made and just before going to the airport where a helicopter was waiting.
    Thanks to the Motoring Club Sernaglia - "I am sorry for you that all is over so early" – Kimi said, with souvenir photos. Then, some autographs and photographs, especially with children. Apart from that, the Italians who had direct contact with Kimi Raikkonen were only Paolo Porro and Ivano Pederiva before the race. It was Kimi Raikkonen who came near Paolo Porro, the race winner and gentleman driver, during the shake-down, where both had their assistance: a glance at his Focus ( "If he want it, I will sell it to him" Porro smiled) but above all a request for advice about the tires to use, because the Finnish driver had a slipperiness problem with his car.
    ...The second person was a policeman of Miane, who after half an hour of surreal discussion asked to the Ferrari Champion Kimi Mathias Raikkonen to put his autograph next to his signature: on the order to pay a fine of Thursday 28 May, at 17:00 in Budui with a fine of 38 euros for dangerous driving, having passed the center line during in the recognition area of Cesen! There is no need to say that it will be Gabriele Favero who will pay it: […] And talking about the passion of Kimi for alcohol? "Only mineral water, effervescent. And milk with a drop of coffe, that he asked with a perfect Italian. So total - and difficult for us to achieve – was his desire to not have people around, but so easy was managing him as a person: maximum simplicity, no claims, no special requests. Lonely he was: as he wanted, but also as I think he is."
    sursa: Autosport
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